
Puppy Growth and Health | Complementary food for puppies

90 tab
24.80 €

220 tab
38.80 €

Puppy Supplement Natural calcium-rich puppy supplement WHEN TO USE Puppy Growth & Health provides the necessary vitamins for your puppy's development! As they grow, it is important to fully provide the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals to ensure strong joint and bone structure development, as well as strengthening immunity. This dog supplement is especially important for rapidly growing large breed puppies. It is also suitable for use in kittens. Use in adult and senior dogs and cats if: You observe signs of osteoporosis For bone fractures and arthritis Best puppy supplement for growth and teeth SUITABLE For puppies and kittens of all breeds. Can be used in adults and seniors. Especially recommended for: Great Danes, Bernese Mountain Dogs, German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers BENEFITS GIGI VET Puppy Growth & Health dog food contains active ingredients that are the basis for healthy joint, bone and tooth development. Strengthens bone tissue and joints Supports the formation of ear cartilage Helps build tooth enamel Helps with tooth replacement Prevents osteoporosis Treats bone fractures and arthritis This functional puppy food is especially important for rapidly growing large breed dogs Puppy Growth & Health dog food is made from natural ingredients, including natural fish bone powder Phoscalim®. It does not contain calcium carbonate, which is artificial, easy to overdose and can form dangerous layers on bones and joints, which can later break. Our veterinary experts guarantee that Puppy Growth & Health functional food is safe to use and does not pose a risk of overdose for a growing puppy. Pharmacological properties and active ingredients in Puppy Growth & Health dog food: Vitamin D3 - promotes calcium and phosphorus metabolism Phoscalim® (hydrolyzed fish bone powder) - is obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis. Phoscalim® contains 21-24% calcium (Ca) and 10-12% phosphorus (P), small amounts of type II collagen, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, cobalt, glycine, methionine, tryptophan, threonine, arginine, leucine, valine, lysine and glutamic acid. These substances promote bone and cartilage growth. This is necessary for animals with bone fractures. Sodium fluoride - strengthens tooth enamel, dentin and surrounding tissues. best natural puppy growth supplement DOSE RECOMMENDATION Puppy Growth & Health Usage: 1 tablet/day per 5 kg. Safe for use from 12 weeks of age